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Update (1/5/2024): All Shabbat services are held at our *Chabad House. When the weather permits, we hold services outdoors and meals indoors.

Shabbat services at Chabad provide Jewish locals and visitors - of all ages and backgrounds - an easy-to-follow service, along with Hebrew/English prayer books. 
We do not charge membership - every Jew is welcome regardless of affiliation and/or background. Our services are geared to make everyone comfortable; no matter what level of observance you may be on. 
Shabbat Services are followed by a Kiddush in an intimate and elegant setting where you can meet new friends, and celebrate Shabbat in a warm and enjoyable manner. There is never a charge for a Kiddush at Chabad.
We are looking forward to seeing you! Membership is not required to attend services.


(Kabbalah & Kookies: 9:30 am - On hold until further notice)
Weekly class on Jewish Mysticism, along with some light baked goods.

Traditional Shachris Service: 10:15 am
Hebrew/English side-by-side prayer books provided. Page numbers on display for added convenience.

Torah Reading and Mussaf: 11:30 am
Traditional Torah Reading, with interspersed commentary and life-changing insights.

Kiddush & Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Food, good food, delicious food...scrumptous HOT food! Need I say More? L'Chaim!

If you would like to sponsor the Kiddush of a particular week in honor of a
birthday, Yahrtzeit or any special occasion
Click Here


*Our Chabad house is currecntly shared with our family's lodging. We are constantly looking for an ample commercial indoor space where we can host weekly Shabbat Services and other Chabad events. Please call our office with any leads, or if you'd like to partner with us in this endeavor: 626-539-4578